
During my sessions with Amanda I was able to let go of a lot of the places I held myself back. I was stuck in my old story, not acknowledging or seeing myself realistically and only seeing my faults. I didn’t feel worthy or good enough and have spent my whole life acting out of fear or guilt rather than love. Becoming conscious and more aware of this has helped me asked myself the right questions like “what is the loving action here?” When taking these loving actions, I feel more aligned with myself, more free, and more in charge. I feel more empowered taking my agency back for myself verses being thrown around in the chaos. I have learned to not judge myself for things I don’t know and see that making mistakes is part of the process. This is me extending the same compassion for myself as I do for others, recognizing I deserve the same. I feel less stuck. I am way less hard on myself. I feel more happy and I’m doing what I want more. I can make better choices because I’m working with what is, not what was, or what will be. I can see myself more fully and have more compassion for myself. I allow myself to grow and I feel safer to grow!


The training and coaching that Amanda has done with me has completely changed my outlook on myself and the world around me. I came in with anxiety, depression, feeling insecure, and feeling a lack of self confidence around others. Amanda has helped me see myself in a different light, in a way where I don’t let my anxiety get in the way of being able to perform and do my best, and to stop second guessing myself. I now feel as though I’m finally able to observe my emotions in a logical way, and use them to access my own personal power. All of this has helped me out of this deeply anxious and insecure state and into one that is peaceful and calm. The feeling of self acceptance and self love helps me to accept and deal with the stressful things that happen in my life, in my family, or at home. The lessons that Amanda continues to teach me feels like the missing piece that I’ve been searching for my whole life in order to escape worry and anxiety. I am so grateful for her and her work.


I had just finished competing at a high level in sports, I had finished my degree in university, but felt lost and unsure of the direction I was headed in my life. I felt like I needed some input in my life from an unbiased professional. Then I met Amanda. I have been working with Amanda the last 5 years. She has help me to see a more connected and loving part of myself. Through the work with her I have a more balanced and loving path before me. I highly recommend Amanda you are looking for the missing piece in their life.


My low level of self worth and a high level of self judgement coming into this coaching was really effecting my life negatively. This level of judgement resulted in finding unhelpful ways to cope like avoiding reality and going into my addictive behaviours. I felt this need to escape so that I didn’t have to discern decisions in my life. In this process with Amanda I have learned to create a reliable tool box that feels accessible and realistic for my personal needs. I am learning to make decisions based on feelings instead of what I'm thinking, which might be hard to understand, but once you do understand you realize it makes a genuine difference. We spend a lot of time making decisions that include everyone else’s feelings, its coming from a more calculated place, instead of learning to make decisions based on how they make us feel. Once you do learn to make decisions from that place, that is when your mind is able to slow down and find that calmness and peacefulness. The way Amanda treaches is very relatable and in a translatable language that helps me decipher what it is that I actually need in times of stress. That saying “give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime.” Is what I feel like I'm receive from this work. I’m getting more comfortable accepting my genuine self, and discerning genuine interactions. I feel like I don’t have to wear a mask around people anymore, that I don't have to do all the work to be likeable, and that I am being met in the middle. My connection to my self worth allows me to connect in a more genuine way instead of putting on a persona. I walk out in the world and feel confident and comfortable to use everything I learn and reflected. I literally feel lighter, I don't carry around multiple versions of myself that others want me to be, I am one authentic me.


I had trouble keeping myself accountable, since working with Amanda I have actually started doing the work and it has paid off, not just talking about it, actually following through and doing it. I actually feel free, like I'm not being held back by my baggage. In the past I had a lot of fear around commitment and intamacy in relationships because of a lack of self love and confidence. I recognize now that it is okay to feel vulnerable and to let someone know exactly how I’m feeling, as cheesy as it sounds now I experience life and relationships to the fullest. I actually feel that people are finally listening to me, that they take me seriously, and that I do have a valid point, and that I’m legitimate. I realized that I actually started listening to myself and taking myself seriously, then I started projecting that seriousness outwards. I can look at relationships with kindness and be loving and patient with myself and others, loving myself makes it easy.  My fear around vulnerability also caused my to avoid conflict and confrontation. Now that I’m feeling more confident in myself, I no longer feel obligated to doing a bunch of shit for others that I don’t want to do, I can just open up and have a conversation instead of hiding, avoiding, and people pleasing. I’ve noticed that I even make more eye contact now! Doing specific and personalised assignments that Amanda has given me has forced me to actually look at myself and I have started to love myself the way I am, every part.


Before I started working with Amanda I didn’t know how to feel safe expressing my vulnerability. During our work together I got to experience the power of having someone hold space for me, allowing me to feel completely safe to feel or say whatever my truth is in that moment without judgement. This really helped me to feel seen and heard and the amazing effect that unconditional love has. In learning this, recognized that I wanted to hold this same space in my life, and my relationships have grown much deeper because of it. In the past I have taken things personally and felt defensive when someone approached me with criticisms. Amanda’s doesn’t beat around the bush, she is upfront and honest, but has a gentle and loving delivery. Because of this approach, there is no other way for me to respond to it other than with grace, making it easy for me to see myself objectively, allowing me to take her support in stride and reflect on it myself. Most importantly, before I started working with Amanda I did not believe in myself, I was often looking outside myself for validation or approval. She taught me how to find my own answers by asking myself the right questions. I’ve remembered that I no longer have to look outside of myself for validation and approval, that I have my own innate ability to meet all my needs with in me.


After trying to describe all the ways Amanda has supported me over the last few years a friend quipped that she must be my guardian angel. And I realized that's exactly what she is. She genuinely cares about her clients, as is evident in the energy and presence she brings to each session. She has helped me understand myself more deeply; not only by making me feel safe as we investigate the darker parts that cause so much shame and fear, but also by affirming the beautiful, loving parts that I sometimes do not see myself. Amanda has said many things that have triggered epiphanies and deep reflection, and one that she embodies so well is "compassion knows timing". She know when to be gentle and let my emotions pour out and she know when to be firm and call BS on self judgment and victimization. She believes in the capacity of her clients and doesn't coddle or sugar coat but always comes from a place of love and respect. She is open and listens intently, mixing questions with statements so that I realize things to be true for myself. She is teaching me how to recognize and interpret the messages my body is sending through sadness, anger, anxiety etc as well as some techniques to honour and release these emotions rather than ignore and rebury them. The past few months have been especially transformational and it feels so good, so relieving, so liberating stepping into my personal power. I cannot overemphasize how good Amanda is at what she does. It's not that she does the work for you, because its honestly really uncomfortable and scary sometimes, but she has created a space and a connection where I know it will be ok, it can only get better by going in, and I feel more confident to do it with her support.