Who is not ideal for this program? 

I am very selective in who I work with and choose to gently turn away people who aren’t suited for my program and won’t get the results they would be signing up for. It is not in my integrity to work with people who I don’t believe will receive the value of this program.

My 90 days to Self Love and Confidence - Fast Track to Fearless Living program is NOT for those who will make excuses for not completing their assignments. This program has been proven time after time to be profoundly effective for those who show up for themselves by putting the work in.

Clients who are experiencing financial crisis or not earning an income are also not a good fit for this program, at least not right away. It’s been my experience that people with out the financial means spend their time worry about making their payments rather than receiving the full value of this program. If you fall within this category, it is absolutely OK. We’ve all experienced financial strain at one point or another. Do yourself three favours:

  • Begin generating an income through full or part time employment and connect with a financial planner or debt counsellor. This will take the edge off and provide some financial stability and thus a little more peace of mind. Mostly, it will de-clutter your mind enough to be able to focus on your 90 Days to Self Love and Confidence - Fast Track to Fearless Living assignments and the BIG picture.

  • Start your SEED MONEY ENVELOPE. Take an envelope, write your goal “I want to take the 90 Days to Self Love and Confidence - Fast Track to Fearless Living program” on the front, and plant the seed by putting cash into this envelope every week. This is you putting energy towards your growth and getting started towards meeting your financial requirements until you’re ready to work with me one-on-one.

  • Make a point to engage in the challenges in my Facebook Group. These challenges are designed to give you LOTS to think about as you start to examine and redefine yourself.

Doing these three things will really help you get primed for our work. When you’re ready, call me and we’ll get you started. I’m in no rush and I will be here when you need me.