
In 2010 my life was headed in a completely different direction. I was on a collision course - my mind and my heart were at odds and a few times I questioned whether hitting the self destruction button was my only option. Thank goodness there are self empowerment coaches in this world because without support from mine I’m not sure I would be here to tell you my story or to share the wisdom I have learned through my own healing journey. 

This disconnect stems from my parents’ divorce when I was nine. I loved them both and in general had a good childhood. But their physical separation left me emotionally and spiritually separated from myself at an early age and this was when I learned how to compartmentalize my life, being different versions of myself to best fit my environment.


To cope I just numbed out and avoided conflict in my family by isolating myself as much as possible and protecting my heart at all costs. I was too afraid to be my authentic self. My great talent of avoiding vulnerability and protecting myself from being hurt left me with depression and anxiety, undiagnosed until much later. By the grace of whatever it was, anytime I had those desperate moments - the option to choose me or not me, to choose life or not life - I always fought to choose me.


The last straw came one night when I felt like I was literally outside of my body, spiralling out of control, messed up on whatever it was I took. I’d gone beyond my brain's capacity to function. I kept saying to myself was “Is this all there is? How did my life end up like this? How did I end up 23 years old, in a series of co-dependent relationships that don’t work, and now so stressed out that I have to move back in with my mom? Will I ever break free from anxiety and panic attacks, the medications, the numbness? Can I start to feel again, to thrive instead of just survive?!?”


I had my first session and I knew immediately that this was it for me. I FOUND IT. I connected with my coach, I connected with the method and I connected with the teachings. I dove in head first. I cleaned up my past and finally believed in myself enough to pursue my true calling. I started teaching people how to get more out of  theirs lives too rather than just living for the weekends and wondering “is this all there is?” I watched my clients’ boldness, bravery, and CONFIDENCE SOAR as they rediscovered what they really wanted beyond just the safety and security of a job and a pay-check. I dedicated my professional life to helping other driven, committed, independent and responsible working professionals break through their inner blocks to finally experience FREEDOM by being their most connected and authentic selves. To experience a JOY AND ZEST FOR LIFE deeper than they had ever dreamed.




How did I become a Self Empowerment Coach and how long have I been doing this?

To best answer these questions I want to share with you a few defining moments that brought me to where I am today - coaching people just like you. Teaching people exactly how to access their full potential, to take brave and courageous actions and to pursue what they want in their lives. 

Back then I was apprenticing to become a plumber even though I knew in my heart that I wanted to be in a counselling type of role. But the idea of committing to university for 6 years terrified me. I'm what is called a tactile learner, meaning I learn by doing rather than reading a book. I didn’t think I could make it through school so if I wasn’t going to counsel people I decided I would clean up their shit in a different way. (Ha ha.) After a one-year apprenticeship I knew fully and completely that this work was not connected to my soul’s purpose, but I did not know how to heal the disconnect between my head and my heart.


I didn’t know who to be loyal to. I felt like I had to choose either my atheist mom and her beliefs to be science driven, logical, and methodical or my open-minded, spiritual dad who believed in astrology, past lives, and many other alternative philosophies. I felt so alive talking philosophy with my dad and loved our long conversations and his outlook on life. On the other hand I also loved my mom, my main caretaker and provider, the person that I lived with day in and day out.

Eventually that meant living through a veil of medications that my psychiatrist gave me. I hated the feeling; like I was walking through a fog all the time, no appetite, no excitement or joy about life. I dated people who either wanted to be fixed or who I thought needed to be fixed, and none of those relationships worked. I partied to escape the numbness, leading me into a spiral of anxiety and panic attacks that were unmanageable. Deep down I knew I wanted more than this “just getting by” existence. I was tired of the medication merry-go-round, the cocktails, the doctor visits, the empty partying, the empty relationships, the empty sense of self. I wanted change.


I made a decision right then that I was never going to let myself feel this way again. For the first time I was willing to do whatever it took to escape my pattern of avoiding myself and perpetuating this internal divisiveness. I thank my rock bottom moment for birthing an intense level of commitment to my healing. 

I had heard about an empowerment coaching team through a friend of a friend. I heard her say “I used to have anxiety, I feel much better now” and I didn't need to hear anything else. In that moment, from those ten words, I finally felt a sense of peace in knowing that if someone else has been able to heal from their past, maybe I could too.


I have since attained over 1600 hours of training; completing 4 different coaching programs over the course of 3 years as well as receiving my clinical hypnotherapy certification. Now I operate a successful business working with many private clients and speaking in front of countless groups including facilitating my own group trainings. I live my dreams; connecting with people everywhere, being part of heart centered and inspiring communities, and earning income within the freedom of an online business. I created 90 days to Self Love and Confidence - Fast Track to Fearless Living as a series of 8 vital inner and outer confidence building steps that every person who is driven to live their best life needs to apply. This program allows my clients to remember who they truly are and release any fear or guilt that prevents them from honouring their authentic selves. With this discovery clients become inspired to get out of their own way, take courageous and bold actions, get what they want, and experience new levels of lasting transformation in any area of their lives.